LOCAL - we feel called to start and steward a local church called Spirit + Truth in FoCo.

REGIONAL - we feel called to plant and shepherd House Churches throughout NoCo.

NATIONAL - we feel called to multiply and grow Spirit + Truth communities across the US.

GLOBAL - we feel called to reach and disciple nations in authentic community around the world.


LOCAL - we feel called to train, release, and support local evangelists and missionaries in FoCo.

REGIONAL - we feel called to host worship outreaches with other churches throughout NoCo.

NATIONAL - we feel called to partner with ministries actively advancing the gospel across the US.

GLOBAL - we feel called to evangelize and equip unreached people around the world.


LOCAL - we feel called to participate in cultural transformation of hearts, minds, and lives in FoCo. 

REGIONAL - we feel called to defend a biblical perspective and worldview throughout NoCo.

NATIONAL - we feel called to activate biblical cultural engagement in churches across the US.

GLOBAL - we feel called to see civilizations change to reflect heaven around the world.